The latest version of my OS for ATmega AVRs, AVRoxide, is now available - with drivers for storage and graphics devices.
AVRoxide Release 0.4.0

The latest version of my OS for ATmega AVRs, AVRoxide, is now available - with drivers for storage and graphics devices.
A new release of AVRoxide, my OS for ATmega AVRs, is out - now with multithreading!
There are subtle differences between the way interrupts are handled on different AVR microcontrollers. I didn’t see this written in plain English anywhere, so I’ll have a go.
It’s been quite a few months’ work, with many challenges along the way - but finally I’m pleased to announce that I have a working runtime for writing applications in Rust for the ATmega4809 microcontroller (and thus also for the Arduino Nano Every.)
Generate Working Optimised Code for ATmega4809
Until I discovered this trick, I couldn’t build working ATmega4809 Rust code with anything other than optimisation level 1…
Code insight/code completion in CLion doesn’t work when you use a custom target.json - here’s how to fix it
(Updated 2021/12/24) Finding any debugging tools for the ATmega4809 is a massive chore. Finally, I’ve found one option that at least partially works.
Embedded and server-side development skills have diverged over the last three decades. But maybe it’s time we reversed that…
How to get on with Rust development for AVR without being held up by a 9 month old bug
A Rust runtime for AVR development